Friday, October 19, 2012

Remodel of home "after the flood"

Our home recently went through quite a bit of cosmetic remodeling after some water damage from and "accident."  Our son forgot to turn off the bathtub water and it ran for several hours, flooding most of the upstairs and downstairs of our house.  All is well now, but our summer was spent packing everything, moving furniture and replacing flooring, wallpaper, and paint.  Lighting was replaced and walls and baseboards were repaired. 

This did give me a wonderful opportunity to organize closets and redecorate with what we already owned.  One of my favorite changes is gathering many of my Catholic pieces and making our entryway a Catholic collage.  We have lived in our home over 13 years and I never knew what to place on this curved wall.   You can't help but know how we feel about God when you walk in the front door.