"Jesus' mother stood near his cross. His mother's sister was also standing there with Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. Jesus saw his mother. He also saw the follower that he loved very much standing there. He said to his mother, "Dear woman, here is your son." Then Jesus said to the follower, "Here is your mother." So after that, this follower took Jesus' mother to live in his home."----John 19:25-27
Mary is the most important saint in the entire Church. She holds that most special place because God chose her above all others, and prepared her to be the mother of Jesus, the Incarnation. She is also our mother and continues to intercede for us in heaven just as she supported and helped Jesus in his ministry and also his followers after his death. Jesus himself declared that Mary was to be our mother and we were to be her sons and daughters (see scripture above). Our parish recently held an appreciation dinner for the volunteers of our children's catechism programs. It was fitting that we had images of our Mother there to "image" the way we are family. We are the adopted brothers and sisters of Jesus. He shares his mother with us. Many people are concerned that Catholics give Mary more importance than we should. Mary herself, in scripture, prophesied that all would call her blessed (Luke 1:46-55, Mary's Magnificat) because of her exalted position God gave to her. How can we do any less than honor her?

Mary is such a prominent figure in most of our homes that it was easy to decorate for this party. Each table was decorated with a statue of the Blessed Mary as well as framed pictures and holy candles. Volunteers offered their home decor for the night.
The world map demonstrates how we, The Church, are scattered throughout the world. Our parish is very multi-cultural. Mary, through apparitions, has visited many of the faithful throughout the world, She always with the same message; pray and listen to her Son. Mary ALWAYS points us to JESUS.
Pastor Father Paul Lockey, Ph.D., and Sister Mary Catherine
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Houston, Texas
Sometimes our home decor can be shared with others. This was a very special time when several families joined together and were able to share the love of Catholic home decorating with their entire family parish. I hope everyone can enjoy the beauty. My fondest hope is that it inspires faith in God and the family relationship he invites us into.