Monday, April 24, 2017

Catholic Books and More Books: The Soul of the Catholic Home

Recently, it came to me that while I had exhausted my personal home decor inspirations, other than rearranging at times, I had accumulated many books which I consider the soul of my home.  Because the books provide an almost inexhaustible source of inspiration, it seems that they should be included in this blog as part of the Catholic Heaven at Home idea.  The Domestic Church is our attempt to create a Catholic world so as to build up the faith and our own faith.

The books are fond friends, if you will, and hide within their covers such a wealth of inspiration that I consider each one a friend.  Publishers and writers alike have provided knowledge, insight, inspiration, and a glimpse of God himself at times.  Writers such as Chesterton, Knox, Pearce, Hahn, Ratzinger, Belloc, Lewis, Sheen, Sheed, Ward and too many others to mention here.  I find it difficult to give books away in the dread that I might want to revisit one and no longer have access.  To balance my great love of books with my desire to share them with others, I created a "Catholic Lending Library."

Each book has its own lending card and I have catalogued the library so that I might share my inventory with local friends and family.  They are ordered according to title and also according to author.  While few borrow my books, they are always available.   Here is the list according to author:

Book List/ 10-24-2015

Adam, Karl
            The Spirit of Catholicism
Review:  read too long ago to give an account, Recommended by Marcos Grodi from Journey Home

Ahlquist, Dale
            All Roads: Roamin’ Catholic Apologetics

Aquilina, Marc
The Father’s of the Church, (3rd Edition) An introduction to the first Christian teachers

            On man and the universe
Review:  haven’t read yet

Aquilina, Mike and Bailey, Christopher
            Mothers of the Church
Review:  This is an easy fast read and very interesting about early women martyrs/saints and how the early Church Fathers are responsible for us even knowing about them by their writings.  This helps to dispel the belief that the Church is against women.

Aquinas, St. Thomas
            Shorter Summa
            Summa of the Summa
Review:  These are definitely heavy reading but worth the effort to understand much of the Church’s theology.  These were used during a summer study led by Lynn Holleran and her daughter Mary (both have degrees in theology)

Attwater, Donald
            A Catholic Dictionary
Review:  great resource book to have for a Bible study or just when you want to verify a church fact

Augustine, St.           
            The Confessions of St. Augustine (Translated by F.J. Sheed)
            The Confessions of St. Augustine (translated by Rex Warner)
            The Trinity
Review:  The Confessions is NECESSARY to read for its beauty and encouragement.  I also love the translator’s writings and several of his books are on this list.
The Trinity is much more difficult but again crucial as much of what we understand about the Trinity was first articulated by Augustine. 

Barrs, Conrad W. MD
            Feeling and Healing Your Emotions
            Born Only Once
            Healing the Unaffirmed: Recognizing Emotional Deprivation Disorder
Review: These are all psychology books from a Catholic perspective
I was privileged to meet Dr. Barrs' daughters at the Recent Conference in San Antonio of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association

Belloc, Hillaire
            How the Reformation Happened
            Essays of a Catholic
            The Great Heresies
Review:  All three books are excellent and Belloc’s style of writing is music.  He was one of the most prolific Catholic writers during the first part of the 20th century and was a member of the Inklings.  A contemporary of Chesterton, Lewis and Tolkien

Bennett, Father, C.P. (Explained by)
            The New St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism (No. 2)
Review: This is a children’s catechism but the question and answer style is wonderful.  It’s like learning your math facts prior to learning more abstract math concepts. 

Bennett William J.
            The Book of Virtues for young people – A treasury of great moral stories
Review:  I read these stories at bedtime for my two sons.  They are allegorical tales with moral themes.  Wonderful.  As with all good children’s books, adults get as much or more out of them than children.

Bensen, Robert Hugh
            Lord of the World

Bentley, James
            A Calendar of Saints: The Lives of the Principal Saints of the Christian Year

Bergsma, John Dr.
            Bible Basics for Catholics – a new picture of salvation history
            John: signs and Sacraments – an advanced study (CD set)
Review: I highly recommend Bible Basics for Catholics.  My son read this as part of his theology course in high school.  It’s an easy fast read but very informative.  This book was a gift from one of my Confirmation students.  Thanks Amanda Fontenot.
John:  is a very good CD set.  I went to a lecture by Dr. Bergsma a few years ago and so enjoyed his talk that I purchased this set.

Bernecker, Pegge
            Your Spiritual Garden: tending to the presence of God. A 6-week daily life retreat

Bokenkotter, Thomas
            A Concise History of the Catholic Church
            Essential Catholicism: Dynamics of Faith and Belief
Review:  This is my impression of the writer.  I suspect he has a more liberal slant and is also likely more focused on appealing to a secular audience than a purely Catholic one.  Not surprising for an academician.  Still an informative read but not a favorite writer of mine.

Bonacci, Mary Beth
            Real Love
Review:  I haven’t read yet. 

Bonniwell, Father William R. O.P.
            Life of Blessed Margaret Castello
Review: I haven’t read yet but this book was recommended by the owner (Lawrence) of St. Francis Gift shop and another gentleman at our SEAS Festival of Ministries. 

Burch, Brian and Stimpson, Emily
The American Catholic Almanac: a reader of patriots, saints, rogues, and ordinary people who changed the United States.

Byrne, Brendan
            Galatians and Romans

Cahill, Thomas
            Pope John XXIII
Review:  I love anything about PJ23.  My sons go to PJ23 High School and PJ was the pope when I was born.  I attribute him and JPII for praying me into the Church

Calamari, Barbara and DiPasqua, Sandra
            Holy Cards
            Illustrations, a brief history and text

Carlin, David
            Can a Catholic be a Democrat?
Review:  Interesting read although I don’t like the title and don’t agree with the premise.  Too much of the Church today is discussed in terms of political parties instead of the tenants of the faith.  Even so I think this is important for Catholics to be aware of so that we can refute that we should be separated into liberal and conservative Catholics.  We are either Catholic or we are not.  No party can completely express the tenants of our faith; only Christ’s body can.

Celano, Peter
            To Live as Christ: a 40 day journey with St. Paul

Chamberlin, E.R.
            The Bad Popes
Review: This book was given to me by a brother and I love it because Father Mitch Pacwa noted that his father gave it to him to try and convince him not to become a priest.  If one can read the worst things that Catholics have done and remain Catholic you know you are Catholic for the real/right reasons.  This helps for when you are challenged about the evil things that Catholics have done.  We can always agree that many in the church have failed to live up to Jesus’ commands but that doesn’t mean Jesus’ commands are invalid; or the Church he founded. 

Charlotte, Sister M. R.S.M., M.A. and Synon, Mary LL.D.
            These are our Freedoms (Faith and Freedom Text book for Children)

Chaput, Charles, J.
            Render Unto Caesar – serving the nation by living our Catholic beliefs in political
Review: This is an excellent book and helps in understanding how a Catholic should live in the world today and make a difference

Chervon, Ronda De Sola and Conley, Carla
            The Book of Catholic Customs and Traditions
Review: Great resource book if one is wondering about why we do what we do and also to develop customs and traditions with your family.  Great for converts as well to help them understand Catholic culture and Catholic home.

Chesterton, G. K:
            Advent and Christmas: Wisdom from G.K. Chesterton (The Center for the Study
 of C.S. Lewis and Friends)
            The Ballad of the White Horse (poem)
            The Everlasting Man
St. Francis
            The Complete Father Brown
            Thomas Aquinas: “The Dumb Ox”
            What’s Wrong with the World?
Review:  My absolute favorite writer.  By the way there is a local Chesterton Society in the Rosenberg area if anyone is interested in joining. Orthodoxy is my all-time favorite book of his.  My Bible study group will be studying Orthodoxy in the Summer of 2014 if anyone is interested.  We meet at Christ the Redeemer Parish but location sometimes changes in the summer.

Chopin, Kate
            The Awakening
Review: this book was assigned to my sons at Pope John 23 High School.  I read this book in college when I lived in Natchitoches, LA where the author was from.  Short novel

Clark, John O.C.D.
            Story of a Soul – The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux
Review: Everyone should read St. Therese’s “little way”  that’s all I have to say.

Clifford, Anne M.
            Introducing Feminist Theology
Review: This would not be endorsed by the Church but is information to know so that we understand what heresies are being taught.  I read a few chapters of this book but the main problem I see with this and other types of heretical theology (ex. Radical Liberation theology) is that it misses the very meaning of catholic (universal).  To be a truly Catholic theology it must be for everyone because Jesus came for everyone.  It is very negative about males and the “patriarchal” system as being evil.  Patriarchy is not evil if we would implement it as God intended.  .

Connell, Janice
            Mary Queen of Angels: Answers to Universal Questions
Review: This is a wonderful book to meditate on Mary

Conroy, Susan
            Mother Teresa’s Lessons of love and secrets of Sanctity
Review: This was a gift from one of my Confirmation students.  Thanks Christina
O’Keefe.  Who doesn’t love St. Teresa!!

Cuddy, Christopher, and Hart, Mark
            Sword of the Spirit: A Beginner’s Guide to St. Paul
Review: I read this a few years ago so can’t say anything specific because I forgot

Curran, Rev. Edward Lodge, Ph.D.
            Great Moments in Catholic History
Review: Great book.  (pun intended)

D’Ambrosio, Marcellino Ph.D.
            Exploring the Catholic Church: An Introduction to Catholic Teaching and
Review: This is a good introduction to the faith so good for a high school student or for a new convert or RCIA student.

Dana, R.H.
            Two Years before the Mast (and 24 years after)
Review:  To really appreciate this book please read the Wikipedia biography about the author.  He took a voyage and wrote of his experiences.  Dana was an abolitionist and worked for social justice in his day.

Dante, Aligheri
            The Inferno
Review:  all Catholics should read Dante.  Great piece of literature.  Many people mistakenly believe this is Catholic doctrine regarding the after-life when it is actually a work of fiction.  It’s difficult to understand the deeper meaning without some direction however.  This was covered in a summer study program led by Mary Holleran, a theology doctoral student. 

Delaney, John J.
            Dictionary of Saints
Review:  Great resource guide to the most obscure and popular saints.  A gift from one of my brothers.

De Marco, Donald and Wiker, Benjamin
            Architects of the Culture of Death

Dodds, Bill
            The Ride of your Life: A Road Trip for Catholic Teens

Douthat, Ross
            Bad Religion: how we became a nation of heretics
Review:  good book and an interesting mini history on Christian churches in the U.S.

D’Souza Dinesh
            The Catholic Classics

Dues, Greg
            Catholic Customs and Traditions: A Popular Guide
Review:  Great book for those wanting to establish and understand our Catholic traditions.  Would be a great book for a new Catholic or a young married couple as well.

Erlandson, Gregory and Bunson, Matthew
            Pope Benedict XVI and the Sexual Abuse Crisis-working for reform and renewal
Review:  I just purchased this book so review will follow soon.

Evert, Jason
            If You Really Loved Me
            Raising Pure Teens (also Chris Stefanick)
            Theology of the body for Teens – Parent Guide
            Theology of the Body for Teens- leader guide
Review:   these are a MUST for parents in helping their children understand the beauty of the body when the “world” is teaching that we are separate from our bodies and that the body is something to use for entertainment.  The deeper Catholic meaning of the body is taught clearly

Ferguson, George
            Signs and Symbols in Christian Art
Review:  This resource has been very helpful in understand Catholic art (which I love) as well as in bible study.

Fink, John F.
            The Doctors of the Church – An Introduction to the Church’s Great Teachers
                        Vol. 1-Doctors of the First Millennium
Review:  This is a great little pocket book and great introduction to writings other than scripture from the early church

Flynn, Vinny
            Seven Secrets of the Eucharist

Frances, Mary Jane
            Still Catholic After all these years
Review:   this is a fun and humorous book.  It demonstrates how the Catholic family shares a history that is sometimes humorous.

Gaitley, Michael E MIC
            33 Days to Morning Glory –do-it-yourself retreat in preparation for Marian
Review:  this is a great book to prepare to consecrate oneself to Mary.  Just completed this at the Feast of the Immaculate Conception which I planned since my childhood parish was named after the Immaculate Conception (where I was baptized).

Gibson, Mel (forward)
            The Passion – book about the movie
Review:  Picture guide to the movie

Green, Thomas H. S.J.
            Come Down Zacchaeus – Spirituality and the Laity
            Drinking from a Dry Well (Sequel to When the Well Runs Dry)
            When the Well Runs Dry
Review:  good read about deepening one’s faith.  More gifts from my brother Kirk

Hahn, Kimberly, and Barber, Michael
            Genesis to Jesus: Journey through Scripture
Review:  Read many years ago and found it a great review of how scripture relates and how the Old Testament prefigures Jesus and Jesus fulfills the Old Testament promises.

Hahn, Scott
            Hail, Holy Queen
            The Lamb’s Supper
            A Father Who Keeps his Promises
Signs of Life
Review:   What can I say…..other than please read Scott Hahn.  Dr. Hahn is a convert to Catholicism and a former preacher.  Protestant converts are truly the gift to the Church that we need.  He has captured and explained how Catholics are Scriptural in everything we do and teaches us our own beliefs again!!!  Sometimes as cradle Catholics, we know the faith “organically” but we do not have the words to explain.  Dr. Hahn provides us with the words so that we can participate in the New Evangelization and grow closer to God.

Hardon, John A. S.J.
            The Catholic Lifetime Reading Plan
The Faith: A Popular Guide Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Review:  The Reading Plan is a great resource book that I have used in developing this very library.  He summarizes different authors and their writings that he feels are essential for Catholics to know about.  The Faith is an easy read that covers the basics of the Catechism.  When the current Catechism was published several authors wrote book forms that would make it easy to understand.

Hauser, Richard J. S.J.
            In His Spirit: a guide to today’s spirituality

Hayes, Rev. Edward J, Hayes, Rev. Msgr. Paul J., and Drummey, James J.
            Catholicism and Reason- The Creed and Apologetics
Review: Read this several years ago when this controversy between faith and reason was on my mind.  Many atheists and/or post-modernists accuse people of faith as ignoring or denying reason. 

Hemingway, Ernest
            The Sun Also Rises
Review:  this is here for my husband and Hemingway is a man’s writer. (grin).  He is not a favorite of mine.

Hick, John (Editor)
            Classical and Contemporary Readings in the Philosophy of Religion (2nd Edition)
Review:  This is a text book I bought used.  It’s a great resource book to refer to when studying. 

Hildebrand, Dietrich von
            Man and Woman, Love and the meaning of intimacy
Review:   Beautiful book and evokes the same feeling of Theology of the Body.  I suspect Hildebrand influenced JPII.  He was called the 20th century doctor of the Church by Pope Pius XII.  His wife, Alice, is frequently seen on EWTN and is a theologian in her own right.

Hogan, Richard M. and LeVoir, John M.
            Covenant of Love:  JPII on Sexuality, Marriage, and family in the modern world
Review:  Just bought this so review to follow

Howard, Thomas
            If your mind wanders at Mass
Review:  I love this little paperback.  It’s a wonderful description of what is really going on at mass.  It’s a good introduction and a great book to purchase several copies and be able to share with people curious about what we are doing at mass. 

Hull, Clifford, Perkins, Steven, and Barr, Tracy
            Latin for Dummies
Review:  Written just for me and people like me who want to know Latin but don’t have much time to study

Irwin, Kevin W.
Responses to 101 Questions on the Mass
Review:  Great book set up in a similar way as the old Baltimore catechism format.

Jelly, Frederick, O.P.
            Madonna, Mary in the Catholic Tradition
Review:  One of the first books I read about Mary and our understanding of who she is.  A gift from brother Kirk who keeps giving me Catholic books.

Jenkins, Philip
            The New Anti-Catholicism: The Last Acceptable Prejudice
Review:  I read this book because I am often amazed at the things people, even in the media, will say that are so bigoted.  If they were to replace the word Christian or Catholic with any other group they would NOT say what they say. 

John Paul II, Pope
            Crossing the Threshold of Hope
            Letter to Women
            Love is the Explanation of Everything- 365 Meditations with the Pope
            Man and Woman He Created Them - Theology of the Body (ToB)
            An Invitation to Joy – selected writings of JPII
Prayers and Devotions

Review:  I am a true believer in reading all I can of the Popes writings.  To me JPII is difficult to read as he writes in a “circular” way.  Pope Benedict XVI, writes more “linear” (my descriptions).  If you don’t want to purchase you can read much of what they have written on the internet at the Vatican website.  The Theology of the Body was read as part of a course I audited at St. Mary’s Seminary taught by Father Lockey.  Invaluable.  I quote or reference ToB more than any other writing currently.

Johnson, Greg
            If I Could Ask God One Question: Answers to Teens’ most-asked Questions
Jurgens, William A.
            The Faith of the Early Fathers – Vol 1
            The Faith of the Early Fathers – Vol 2
            The Faith of the Early Fathers – Vol 3
Review:  Great Great Great reference books to be able to read excerpts of writings from the Church Fathers.

Kass, Amy and Kass Leon (editors)
            Wing to Wing, Oar to Oar: readings on courting and marrying

Keating, Karl
            Catholicism and Fundamentalism: The Attack on “Romanism” by “Bible
Review:  this is an interesting apologetics book about the major arguments by Protestants against Catholicism.  Written for Catholics.  As I was reading this I think if I were a Protestant, I would not have appreciated the writing style.  Karl Keating is more gentle on his radio broadcast then what comes across in this book.
Kelly, Audrey
            A Catholic Parents Guide to Sex Education
Review:  I keep as a reference book and haven’t read it through

Kilmer, Joyce
            Anthology of Catholic Poets
Review:  I love poetry and I love this book.  I read it often

King, Heather
            Stripped: cancer culture and the cloud of unknowing

Klein, Patricia
            Worship without words, the Signs and Symbols of our Faith
Review:  Great resource book if you want to learn why we do what we do.

Klein, Peter Rev.
            The Catholic Source Book: Third Edition
            The Scripture Source Book for Catholics
Review:  Resource books and both easy reads and very informative

Knowles, Andrew and Penkett, Pachomios
            Augustine and His World
Review:  Haven’t read

Knox, Ronald
            The Layman and his Conscience
Review:  Another convert writer.  Knox was an Anglican priest and I have always been fascinated with converts who converted at great sacrifice socially, professionally, and personally.  He lost a great deal by converting.  This is an excellent book. 

Kowalska, St. Maria Faustina
            Diary – Divine Mercy in My Soul
Review:  This is a highly recommended book in understanding the Church in our current times.  It is significant that Pope John Paul II designated the Sunday after Easter as Divine Mercy Sunday.  This should indicate that all of us should understand the message of St. Faustina. 

Kreeft, Peter
            Prayers for Beginners
            The Snakebite Letters
The Philosophy of Tolkien
Review:  If you haven’t read books by Kreeft you need to.  Entertaining and relevant.

Kresta, Al
            Why Do Catholics Genuflect? And Answers to other Puzzling Questions about
 the Catholic Church
Review:  Again, a great resource for why we do what we do.  I guess I bought too  many books on this topics but I’m a slow learner.

Leonard, Matthew
            Louder than Words- the art of living as a Catholic
Review:  Just purchased this so review to come soon.  Mr. Leonard recently presented Dr. Hahn’s class The mass and scripture.  He was quite interesting and that study was remarkable.

Lewis, C.S.
            A Grief Observed
            The Abolition of Man
            The Case for Christianity
The Great Divorce
            Mere Christianity
            The Screwtape Letters
Review:  I can say that my favorite book is The Great Divorce and it’s not about marital divorce between two people.  It’s about the things that divorce us from God.  Read all of them please.  Lewis never converted to Catholicism

Llewellyn, Claire
            Saints and Angels – a picture book (children)
Review:  beautiful picture book for children and adults alike 

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
            Favorite Poems
Review:  they are poems, of course they are good

Lowery, Lois
            The Giver
Review:  I haven’t read but assigned to my sons in school.  It is set in a society which is at first presented as a utopian society and gradually appears more and more dystopian. The novel follows a boy named Jonas through the twelfth year of his life. The society has eliminated pain and strife by converting to "Sameness," a plan that has also eradicated emotional depth from their lives…..sound like modernity?

Lubac, Henri de
            Medieval Exegesis (Vol 1): The Four Senses of Scripture
            Three Jesuits Speak
Review:  difficult reading but very fruitful.  I will need a class to really understand Medieval Exegesis.  Henri-Marie Joseph Sonier de Lubac, SJ was a French Jesuit priest who became a Cardinal of the Catholic Church, and is considered to be one of the most influential theologians of the 20th century

Madrid, Patrick
            Pope Fiction: Answers to 30 Myths and Misconceptions about the Papacy
Review:  Love this book.  It is a good book for Catholics to better understand the papacy and also for apologetics and evangelization

Marbach, Ethel
            Saints at Harvest-Time (children’s book)

Martin, Ralph
            Is Jesus Coming Soon?  A Catholic Perspective on the 2nd coming
            The Catholic Church and the End of an Age.  What is the Spirit Saying?
Review:  Ralph Martin is a leader in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement within the Catholic Church and writes eloquently about what Catholics believe about the end times.  We are not dispensationalists and we do not believe in the Rapture.

Marty, Martin E.
            An Invitation to American Catholic History (Basics of Christian Thought –Vol. 4)
Review:  I really enjoyed this book and would like to find the other volumes. Dr. Marty is a Lutheran and this is a book written for a secular and Catholic audience as he is a professor and historian.  One can understand the age in which we are in now, by understanding how the Church coped in the past.  For example, we made mistakes in the past by separating our parishes by nationality (Italian parishes, Irish parishes, Polish, German, etc).  In part we did this because of language barriers but much of why we did it was because of the prejudice these people had to each other.  We hopefully won’t make this mistake in this generation.  Catholic means universal and we are all One. 

Meagher, Father James L. D.D.
            How Christ Said the First Mass
Review:  This is a large and detail description of the mass.  Much deeper study (then the previous book listed, When you mind wanders at mass, and worth the read.

Meara, Mary Jane Frances Cavolina
            Still Catholic After all these Years

Medaille John, C.
Toward a truly free market: A distributist perspective on the role of government, taxes, health care, deficits, and more Medaille John, C.

Meninger, William A.
            The Committed Life, (adaptation of the Introduction to the devout life by St.
 Francis de Sales)
Review:  A good guide to the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales

Merton, Thomas
A Thomas Merton Reader
Review:  If you are not familiar with Thomas Merton, this would be a good place to begin.  An American Catholic writer and mystic. A Trappist monk of the Abbey of Gethsemani, Kentucky, he was a poet, social activist, and student of comparative religion. In 1949, he was ordained to the priesthood and given the name Father Louis Merton wrote more than 70 books, mostly on spirituality, social justice and a quiet pacifism, as well as scores of essays and reviews, including his best-selling autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain (1948), which sent scores of World War II veterans, students, and even teenagers flocking to monasteries across the US,[

Moczar, Diane
            Ten Dates Every Catholic Should Know
Review:  Enjoyed this one a lot.  The ten dates that Diane Mozcar believes that every Catholic should know are the following: 313 A.D., the Edict of Milan; 432 A.D., Pope Leo I turns back Attila and the Huns; 496 A.D., the baptism of Clovis; 800 A.D., the coronation of Charlemagne; 910 A.D., the foundation of the Abbey of Cluny; 1000 A.D., the beginning of the Church's most glorious age; 1517 A.D., the Reformation; 1571 A.D., the Battle of Lepanto; 1789 A.D., the French revolution; 1917 A.D., Fatima and the 20th century. Each date serves as a focal point for the discussion of a particular era of Church history.

Montfort, St. Louis Mary de
            True Devotion to Mary
Review:  Older language from another time but still a timeless understanding of the true devotion to Mary; not worship but veneration at the highest level.

Moore, Thomas
            Care of the Soul: A guide to cultivating depth and sacredness in everyday life

More, St. Thomas
            Dialogue Concerning Heresies
Review:  I have begun this book but love St. Thomas More so will pick up again someday.

Nevins, Albert M.M.
            A Saint for Your Name: Saints for Boys

Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College
Review:  this is an OK book regarding the orthodoxy of Catholic colleges but may not be a completely valid way of choosing a university.  It is one good piece of information if one uses other ways to discern as well.

O’Brien, John A.
            Giants of the Faith
Review:  Haven’t read yet

O’Brien, Michael D.
            Elijah in Jerusalem (sequel to Father Elijah)/
            Father Elijah an Apocalypse
Review:  A classic Catholic novel.  Michael O'Brien presents a thrilling apocalyptic novel about the condition of the Roman Catholic Church at the end of time. It explores the state of the modern world, and the strengths and weaknesses of the contemporary religious scene, by taking his central character, Father Elijah Schäfer, a Carmelite priest, on a secret mission for the Vatican which embroils him in a series of crises and subterfuges affecting the ultimate destiny of the Church.  If you are looking for a definitive story of the end times this is not the book.  This theme is more consistent with Catholic understanding that we have been at the end times since Jesus ascended and anti-Christ’s are always popping up as “false saviors” that we continually fall for.

O’Collins, Gerald S.J.
            The Tripersonal God-Understanding and Interpreting the Trinity
Review:  haven’t read yet

Odell, Catherine M.
            Faustina Apostle of Divine Mercy

Orlandis, Jose
            A Short History of the Catholic Church

Pope Paul VI
            Humanae Vitae
Review: Very small booklet. This is truly prophetic.  The great writing of Pope Paul VI regarding the Catholic understanding of the dignity of all human life and why birth control is not permissible.  He predicted much of what has happened to society including the increase of divorce, the worse state of life for women, the lack of regard for children, etc……

Pearce, Joseph
            Literary Giants, Literary Catholics
            The Quest for Shakespeare
            Wisdom and Innocence:  GK Chesterton
            The Unmasking of Oscar Wilde
Catholic Literary Giants: a field guide to the Catholic literary landscape
            Literary Converts: spiritual inspiration in an age of unbelief
            Old Thunder: a life of Hillaire Belloc

Review:  Anything and everything by Joseph Pearce is worth reading.  Another convert to Catholicism.  My favorite was the Oscar Wilde biography.  His view of Shakespeare is very interesting as well.  He makes the case that Shakespeare was Catholic in Elizabethan England when many Catholics were persecuted.

Przywara, Erich S.J. (A Synthesis Arranged by)
            The Heart of Newman
Review:  Haven’t read yet

Rainey, Dennis
            Stepping Up: a call to courageous manhood

Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal (Pope Benedict XVI)
            Handing on the Faith in an Age of Disbelief
Introduction to Christianity
Jesus of Nazareth
            Milestones – Memoirs 1927-1977
            Principles of Catholic Theology – Building Stones for a Fundamental Theology
            The Ratzinger Report: An Exclusive Interview of the State of the Church
            Saved in Hope- Spe Salvi
Review:  I love reading Ratzinger.  He speaks in a way a layperson can understand but what he writes of is of the deepest nature.  His Jesus of Nazareth was amazing and I have the second volume on my Kindle.
Ravier, Andre S.J.
            A Do it at Home Retreat – The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola
Review:  I’m saving this for a vacation someday

Redford, John
            What is Catholicism? Hard Questions-Straight Answers
Review:  haven’t read yet

Rice, Ann
            Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana
            Christ the Lord, Out of Egypt
Review:  wonderful fictional accounts of the life of Jesus.  For the most part very consistent with scripture.  Some exceptions that will stand out to people who know scripture well.  For example, she has Jesus being left at the Temple at the age of 8 instead of 12.  My favorite scene is when Jesus is baptized in the Jordon by John the Baptist.  As he enters the water, Joseph is dying on the shore.  As he truly accepts his commission from his Father in Heaven and proclaimed the Son from on high, his foster father, completing his mission, leaves the earth in peace.  Too bad Ann Rice left the Church over liberal ideology she could not reconcile with the faith

Rice, Wayne and Veerman, David
            Reality 101: What the Bible has to say to Teens about real-life questions

Riley, Kenneth A, and Turner, Paul
            Guide to Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Rosien, Mary Lou
            Managing Stress with the Help of your Catholic Faith
Review:  I used this book for a presentation to Catholic teachers to cope with stress.  Teaching is one of the most stressful professions.

Sales, St. Francis de
            Introduction to the Devout Life
Review:  A good guide to leading a thoroughly Catholic life

Sattler, Fr. Henry V.
            Parents, Children and the Facts of Life
Review:  haven’t read yet

Schreck, Alan
            Catholic and Christian: An Explanation of Commonly Misunderstood Catholic
Review:  Great book for general knowledge and also to help in apologetics and evangelization

Schuler, Kimberly B.
            My Catholic Guide through grief “I will remember you.”
Review: This is a children’s book about grief that confirms Catholic understanding of death and after-life. 

Schuster, Ignatius D.D.
            Bible History
Review:  haven’t read yet but eager

Setton and Baldwin
            A History of the Crusades
Review:  haven’t read actually although this was a book from childhood.

Sheed, F.J.
            Born Catholics
            Society and Sanity
            Theology and Sanity
            Theology for Beginners
Review:  Read anything you can get your hands on from F. J. Sheed.  He also ran a publishing company with his wife called Sheed and Ward Publishing.  Read all of them.  Theology for Beginners is used at Pope John XXIII High School for their theology class which convinced me it was a good school.

Sheehan, Elizabeth Odell
            Good Pope John (John XXIII)
Review:  Again, I read all I can find about Good Pope John.  He was amazing.

Sheen, Fulton J.
            Old Errors and New Labels
Review:  Older book I purchased used and a good discussion of how old heresies resurface at every generation under different names.  If you learn what they are they aren’t difficult to identify.

 Shellabarger, Samuel
            Lord Vanity
Review:  Haven’t read this novel.  Here is a summary.  “But when nothing spiritual remains, what is left to man but the worship of vanity? Lord Vanity rules our present world.”   Richard Morandi (also known as Richard Hammond) is the illegitimate son of an English lord who lives in Venice with his ballerina mother. He makes his living as an actor and musician, but when he stabs a Venetian of greater rank in self-defense – an act considered both cowardly and unmannerly – he is condemned to life as a galley slave and is severed from all he knows. When unexpectedly freed, he begins a new series of adventures.– all the while feeling dissatisfied with his life and struggling to find a unifying principle.

Simmonds, Rita A.
Bitterness and Sweet Love: The way of the cross and other Lenten poems.
Souls and the City

Sidgwick, Henry
            Outlines of the History of Ethics
Review:  haven’t read yet

Sims, Albert, E. and Dent, George
            Who’s Who in the Bible?
Review:  Good reference book for Bible studies with very short descriptions of people

Smith, Huston
            The World’s Religions
Review:  I enjoyed this book a great deal.  He was very respectful of all religions

Sri, Edward
            Walking with Mary – a biblical journey from Nazareth to the Cross
Review:  Just bought this last month so eager to read

Staples, Tim
            Nuts and Bolts: A Practical, How-To Guide for Explaining and Defending the
 Catholic Church
Review:  Great for new Catholics, RCIA students, teenagers, apologetics and evangelization

Stasiak, Kurt, O.S.B.
            A Confessor’s Handbook
Review:  I haven’t read yet

Steichen, Donna
            Ungodly Rage: The Hidden Face of Catholic Feminism
Review:  haven’t read yet but bought as a rebuttal to the feminist theology that some in the church are endorsing

.Talbot, John Michael
            The Universal Monk: The Way of the New Monastics
             The World is My Cloister
Review:  bought these when he was with SEAS and haven’t read yet

Tennyson, Alfred Lord
 Poetical Works
Review:  I love poetry

Terruwe, Anna, MD and Baars, Conrad MD
            Psychic Wholeness and Healing
Review:  again psychology written by a Catholic

Thavis, John
            The Vatican Diaries, a behind the scenes look at the power, personalities, and
 politics at the heart of the Catholic church
Review:  reading this when I can.  Review to come later.  Thanks brother Brett for this one.

Thigpen, Paul
            The Rapture Trap: A Catholic Response to “End Times” Fever
Review:  Good information regarding why we do not believe in the rapture.  Also the history of rapture beliefs.

Tobin, Greg
            Holy Father: Pope Benedict XVI Pontiff for a New Era
Review:  haven’t read but I didn’t think he would retire

Topping, Ryan N. 
            Rebuilding Catholic Culture: How the catechism can shape our common life

Twain, Mark
            Joan of Arc
Review:  Mark Twain was amazingly anti-religious and did not respect Catholics as a whole but he did love Joan of Arc.  He wrote the novel as a tribute to her.

USCCB: Secretariat for Evangelization
            Compendium to the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Go and Make Disciples: A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization
 in the U.S.
Ministry through the Lens of Evangelization
Review:  The Compendium is an easy read to help explain the catechism.  The other two books were used when I sat on a board for the archdiocese and would be very informative to the lay person to realize what the vision for the church is in our times from our bishops in the U.S.

Walsh, James: 
A Catholic Looks at Life
Review:  haven’t read yet

Walsh, Thomas:
The World’s Great Catholic Poetry
Review:  There are too many good poems in this book to describe.  A must read

Weidenkopf, Steve and Schreck, Dr. Alan
            Epic Journey through Church History
Review:  Very good book but read years ago so I can’t recall specifics

Weigel, George
            Letters to Young Catholics (2)
            The Truth of Catholicism: Ten Controversies Explored (2)
            The Courage to Be Catholic: Crisis, Reform, and the Future of the Church
            The Cube and the Cathedral: Europe, America and Politics without God
Review: Weigel is one of my favorite authors.  He is a prolific writer and his commentaries on modern times are always insightful.  All of these are excellent books.  The Cube and the Cathedral is his reflection outside the Louvre Museum after they built the horrible monstrosity of a modern piece of architecture right in the midst of traditional French buildings and gardens.  He uses that analogy to discuss modernity vs. truth.

Weiser, Fr. Francis X. S.J.
            Religious Customs in the Family: The Radiation of Liturgy into Catholic Homes
Review:  yet to read.

West, Christopher
            Theology of the Body for Beginners: A Basic Introduction to Pope JPII’s Sexual
Review:  a good simple book to help teens and adults understand the meaning of the body; particularly in regards to marriage and sexuality.  It is by no means a complete view, however, of theology of the body but only points out one aspect of this theology.

Wilhelm, Anthony
Christ Among Us. (5th Edition) A Modern Presentation of the Catholic Faith to Adults

Wintz, Jack OFM (edited)
            Living our Faith after the Changes: Explaining Catholic Thinking Since Vatican
Review:  This is a very old paperback that I bought in college and read to better understand Vatican II

Woods, Thomas E. Jr. Ph.D.
            How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization
Review:  I thoroughly enjoyed this book and it is a great reminder that the great hospital and university systems came directly out of our own monastery systems.

N. T. Wright
What St. Paul Really Said: Was Paul of Tarsus the real founder of Christianity?

DVD Collection


The Agony and the Ecstasy (1966) Charlton Heston and Rex Harrison

Bella (PG-13) (2006) Eduardo Verastegui, Tammy Blanchard

The Bells of St. Mary’s (1945) Bing Crosby, Ingrid Bergman

Ben Hur (1959) Charlton Heston

The Chronicles of Narnia
            The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2006)
            Prince Caspian (2008)

Facing the Giants (PG) (2007)

The Five People You Meet in Heaven- (2004) Jon Voight, Ellen Burstyn, and Jeff Daniels

The Fourth Wise Man – Martin Sheen, Alan Arkin, Eileen Brennan

Going My Way (1944) Bing Crosby (7 Academy Awards)

Lord of the Rings- The Return of the King (PG-13)

Lord of the Rings-The Two Towers (PG-13)

Miracle of Marcelino (1955)

The Prisoner (1957) - Alec Guinness, Jack Hawkins

The Bible Stories (series)
            Esther – F. Murray Abraham
            Jeremiah – Patrick Dempsey
            The Story of David- Timothy Bottoms, Jane Seymour
            Solomon – Ben Cross, Vivica A. Fox

Francis of Assisi – (1961) Bradford Dillman and Delores Hart (became a nun in real life)

The Footprints of God: From Abraham to Augustine (by Steve Ray)
            Moses: Signs, Sacraments, and Salvation
            Mary: The Mother of God
            Jesus: The Word Became Flesh
            Paul: Contending for the Faith
            Apostolic Fathers: Handing on the Faith
            Over Holy Ground-Heaven’s eye-view of the land where God walked

Jesus of Nazareth (1977) – Franco Zeffirelli production Robert Powell, Olivia Hussey

John XXIII- Pope of Peace (2002) Ed Asner

Living the Eucharist – Fr. Shannon Collins C.P.M.

The Miracle Maker –the story of Jesus (animation)

One Night with the King- (PG) Peter O’Toole, Tiffany DuPont, Luke Goss, Omar Sharif

The Nativity Story- (PG)

The Passion of the Christ (Mel Gibson’s 2004) Jim Caviezel

Pope John XXIII – The Real saint and Pope, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ and James Hitchcock

Pope John Paul II (2006) Jon Voight Gary Elwes based on the true story

The Reluctant Saint- The story of St. Joseph of Cupertino- Maximillian Schell, Ricardo
Saint Anthony –the miracle worker of Padua-Italian with English subtitles (excellent)

The Song of Bernadette (1943) Jennifer Jones

The Star of Bethlehem-Unlocking the Mystery of the World’s Most Famous Star

The Ten Commandments (1956) Charlton Heston

A Time for Miracles- The Life of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton- Kate Mulgrew, Lorne Greene,


Ascension Press – Bible Study
            First Corinthians

Journey Through Scripture- Bible Study by Scott Hahn
            The Bible and The Mass
            Genesis to Jesus

The Didache Series- High School Text Book
            The History of the Church

A Guide to the Vatican Museums and City

A Biblical Walk Through the Mass

The Catholic Encyclopedia
            With the updated Code of Canon Law 1983 by JPII

Audio CD

Grace and Truth:  A Parish Mini-Mission. Mullady, Father Brian, O.P.
 War of Vendee

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